Silage wrap helps preserve nutrients while increasing tasteful feed while preventing mold growth and mitigating risks associated with rain damage.

This film is made of blown polyethylene resins specifically developed for high-moisture baling. It provides good cling level, oxygen permeability, puncture resistance and puncture resilience.

High-quality materials

silage wrapThe world’s premier silage wrap wholesaler supply the world’s highest-performing silage wrap materials. These high-grade materials offer consistent performance and long-term protection, making them easy to work with and puncture-proof for bale contents protection during preservation processes – guaranteeing superior feed quality to livestock.

These films are specially made to be used on all types of silage wrapping machinery. Constructed using high-grade resins, these films boast exceptional strength, durability and UV stability as well as being elastic enough to tighten around bales without oxygen transfer – an important feature that helps preserve forage for animals.

SiloPower 21 is one of the highest performing silages wrap materials on the market, being co extruded 7 layer film that conforms to European Standard EN14932:2018 and meeting it in terms of performance. Ideal for baling softer grasses, SiloPower 21 offers similar performance to more costly plastic silage wrapping solutions and comes in light green with an incredible 70% stretch rate guarantee.

Grass Cuvva 5 silage wrap is another viable choice, being co extruded and featuring instant tack for airtight sealing with minimal tails. Puncture and tear resistance is good while its UV stabilisation satisfies Australian conditions – all these qualities combine to provide an operator-friendly film with just the right amount of opacity signalling adequate wrapping.

Easy to install

Silage wrap wholesaler was designed to meet producers’ needs. It features a strong, reliable seal to improve feed quality while simultaneously reducing harvest losses and feeding costs, protecting forage from moisture, air, and heat while being easy to use and adjust even under challenging conditions. Furthermore, there’s even an indicator on top showing users which way is the correct way for unwrapping the roll – helping avoid unwanted grabbing that may cause damage!

Silage wrapping film is an invaluable product for forage storage needs of all kinds – from dry hay and chopped corn to wet silage. Additionally, its protective properties help round bales remain free from crows and rodents during transportation or storage; additionally, it keeps forages fresher longer, decreasing indoor storage needs while increasing feed quality.

An ideal silage wrap dealer should have an established track record in providing high-quality baling products at competitive prices with delivery options available, plus customer service to answer inquiries and help when necessary.

An ideal silage wrap is constructed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Featuring high tack film that helps minimise dirty rollers and spiral tearing, and offering up to 70% effective stretch, its availability comes in various sizes on an eco-neutral cardboard core.

Easy to transport

Silage wrap is an effective solution for protecting hay, forage and maize from spoilage. By creating a tight seal around each bale containing silage wrap that limits oxygen’s entry into them and inhibiting aerobic bacteria and fungus from proliferating within, silage wrap helps preserve anaerobic fermentation processes which boost nutrients while improving feed quality and raising levels of anaerobic microflora that raises nutrients while raising quality feed quality overall. Furthermore, moisture-resistant materials prevent water entering bales which would potentially lower quality of feed quality overall.

Bales wrapped with silage wrap wholesaler are much simpler to transport and stack, which improves efficiency on the field. Furthermore, its superior puncture resistance means less likely rip or fall off during storage; additionally, it protects forage from harmful UV radiation as well as resists fungus and mildew growth.

Tylan premium film is one of the most used silage wraps. Made from high-grade resins, it provides exceptional strength, elasticity, and UV protection while being suitable for use in various silage wrapping machines. Plus it comes in different sizes and colours!

Sunfilm makes an excellent solution for silage wrapping, being both easy to cut and tear and puncture-resistant. Its reflective surface reduces heat build-up and keeps bales cool while helping prevent spoilage of nutrients due to bacteria growth in them.


Silage wrap films can help maximise the value of your feed by protecting bales from birds and rodents while helping prevent mold growth and bacteria growth. They also keep feed fresh for up to one year without losing quality, thus helping lower livestock feeding costs.

Silage wrap should be applied within 24 hours after baling has occurred to start fermentation and avoid spoilage losses, while saving fuel and equipment costs. Silage wraps can be purchased online from various providers and come in various sizes and thicknesses – many even allow logo printing for greater brand recognition!

Plastic bag taxes would not have any direct bearing on silage wrap as it is not considered single-use product, yet they could serve as an effective tool to promote recycling. Most farmers do not currently recycle used silage wrap due to cost concerns but this could change with a ban being put into effect; an increase in demand could then follow and lead to more sustainable agricultural practices and decreased food waste, supporting environmental sustainability, as well as increasing profitability by decreasing expenses while raising quality of feed production.

Silage wrap: Silage Wrap Wholesaler